
Showing posts from May, 2022

A Losers Guide to Photography: Photography and Robots

The Disney+ documentary More Than Robots came out recently. I had the opportunity to shoot a few of the teams here in Los Angeles for work. It was an awesome opportunity and great to see young minds developing complex thoughts. In my past life I was an engineer and now I am a photographer. I was asked to help teach the students about photography.  I would like to teach them somethint applicable. They aren't photographers! They are young engineers! I need something that correlates to what they are working with the engage their mind.  Photography has many applications from medical to AI. I believe integrating AI with their robots, by providing their robots vision, is the way I should approach teaching them. I will teach them the basics of photography, the core principles.  As an example, one of the competitions is to pick up a ball and shoot it to score points. Well, with AI you can teach the robot what a ball is, what a basket is, how to shoot a ball, pathing to a ball, et...

A Losers Guide to Photography: Cognitive Distortion in Photography

Cognitive Distortion in Photography Backstory I think many people experience a sitation where they are criticised and take the critisim too personaly. As a photographer, I am used to people critiquing my photos. Hell, my college professor told me, while I was presenting my portfolio in front of the class, my photos were, and I quote, "shit". I should be used to criticism; a professional receiver of criticism. However, that wasn't the case when a coworker of mine, in passing, said I need to change something about myself. It was out of left field. An unanticipated critique. In my professional life I try to be perfect and I want to do my best. So hearing I "failed" at something, while I innocently felt like I was helping, destroyed me mentally. It wasn't a critique about my creation, it was a critique about my being.  I focused on my coworkers criticism. It was eating me alive. The criticism had me staying up late at night. I was contemplating social, and possi...