A Losers Guide to Photography: Additive and Subtractive Negative Space

Defining Negative Space

Wikipedia's definition of negative space is, "Negative space, in art, is the empty space around and between the subject(s) of an image. Negative space may be most evident when the space around a subject, not the subject itself, forms an interesting or artistically relevant shape, and such space occasionally is used to artistic effect as the "real" subject of an image."

Negative space is in nearly every piece of art. The major difference between art pieces [photos] is the amount of negative space and the intent of negative space.

My personal definition of negative space is - a separate element of space within a photo that compliments the main subject or detracts from the main subject. I believe negative space can be broken down into two components: additive and subtractive. I think instinctively we, the photographer and observer, know the feeling of good negative space. It's a calming feeling where the space around the subject compliments the main subject. The balance of good negative space and bad negative space is a fine line. 

Historically people have considered negative space to be an excessive amount of unused real-estate surrounding the subject. I tend to believe negative space is any unused space around the subject in any varying quantity. There isn't a defined amount of unused space that defines when negative space starts and the edge of the subject ends. 

The concept of 'additive' negative space and 'subtractive' negative space seems to be a relatively new term. Additive negative space is negative space that compliments the subject and 'adds' to the overall composition of the photo. Additive negative space serves a purpose to draw the viewers attention to the subject and help guide the eyes, either through the frame to the subject or force the eyes to remain locked on the subject. Additive negative space isn't competing for your attention by drawing your eyes away from the subject of the photo. 

On the opposite spectrum of additive negative space is subtractive negative space. Subtractive negative space is negative space that is competing for your attention. It's negative space that doesn't properly compliment the composition of the photo and is pulling your eyes away from the subject or the natural flow of a photo. If your photo has a natural flow, subtractive negative space will pull the viewers eyes away from the natural flow. 

Example of Additive Negative Space

I want to talk about a photo I recently took at a company event and how additive negative space really plays an important role in this photo.

SS: 1/450, f: 8, FL: 16mm, ISO: 500

The red and green highlights are highlighting the negative space in this photo. 

The red highlights are showcasing direction. The negative space is guiding the viewers eyes towards the subject. It's directional negative space. This is a great example of additive negative space because the negative space is providing direction. It's an integral component to the overall composition and if the additive negative space is removed the impact of the photo is gone.

The green highlighted area is, what I would consider, additive negative space too. It's creating a natural frame around the subject vignetting the subject to pull your eyes towards the center of the frame where the red highlighted areas [above] guide the viewers eyes to the subject. The additive negative space makes it impossible to lose focus of the subject.

Example of Subtractive Negative Space

Another photo I took at our company event is a great example of subtractive negative space. 

SS: 1/500, f: 10, FL: 16mm, ISO: 200

The red section is what I would deem to be excessive subtractive negative space. It's not adding any context to the photo, it's not leading your eyes to the subject. It's really not adding any compositional benefit to the photo.

Let's take a look at how your eyes move through the photo with the negative space camera right. The natural flow of the original composition is to start camera left, eyes are attached to the ball and then move to the player spiking the ball. Then the eyes continue to move right into negative space. This is a problem because the negative space isn't bringing your eyes back to the subject. Thus, your eyes get embedded camera right and are taken out of the photo. This is subtractive negative space as it is taking away from composition and not complimenting the composition.

I took away the negative space to create an 1:1 aspect ratio. While not keeping to it's natural aspect ratio and needing to crop in, we can see the photos composition greatly benefits from the removal of the subtractive negative space. There is a shape that is formed that keeps your eyes locked in the center of frame and your eyes keep moving around the green triangle. By removing the subtractive negative space we improved the natural flow of the image without sacrificing any context. Instead of your eyes going off from camera left to camera right to never return to the subject, your eyes are moving around the subject infinitely. 

The leading lines are forcing your eyes into the triangle. The triangle is trapping your eyes infinitely around the photo. 

In my opinion, the final composition is a much stronger image. Even though I had to crop and change the aspect ratio, the photo is drastically enhanced by removing the subtractive negative space. 


I really don't feel like reiterating what others have said about the importance of negative space in a photo. I believe it's important to be able to identify what type of negative space an image has and if it enhances or detracts away from the images composition. Additive and subtractive negative space can be found in nearly every image and graphic. Additive and subtractive negative space is integral to understand negative space and how to properly use it to enhance an image. I believe the arts has had the concept of additive and subtractive negative space, but never could quantify the 'feelings' in to understandable terms.


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